V. International Folklore Festival
19 – 22 September 2025
Organizers: Tulcea, Romania
SNC "Communities, traditions, culture"- Varna
Varna tourist company
Director at the festival: Prof. Stefan Koman from the city of Tulcea, Romania. He is the Vice President of the Union of Choreographers in Romania and the General Secretary of CIOFF Romania.
INVITATION to participate
The International Folklore Festival is held in the town of Tulcea (Tulcea), Romania for the fifth time. Tulcha is an administrative center in the region of the same name. The city is an important port in the Danube Delta, which is the largest delta in Europe. The Danube Delta is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Romania. It is located on the territory of Northern Dobrudja in Romania. From 1991 Mr. the Danube Delta is part of the UNESCO World Natural Heritage. A biosphere reserve of world importance with an area of 4152 sq. km., the place with the richest diversity of bird species in the world (over 300 the species), a crossroads for migratory birds from three continents, moving along five air corridors.
Tulcha is located at 175 km north of the border crossing point Durankulak.
Participants in the Folklore Festival are amateur teams from Romania, Bulgaria and other countries. Dancers can participate in the festival, singing and instrumental folklore ensembles, groups for processed and authentic folklore, ghost orchestras, ethnic folklore groups, kuker and survakar groups, old town song groups. No age restrictions. The festival does not have a competitive nature. Companions of the participants are also allowed.
The folklore program of the group should have a duration 10 -12 minutes.
THE GOALS at the festival:
– to develop cultural exchange between countries; to encourage the creative abilities of the individual; to present and promote the folklore and cultural traditions of countries.
THE PROGRAM at the festival offers:
-19, 20 and 21 September - Festival Concerts
– certificates and plaques for the collective participants
– a 24 -hour team, who will be in place with you
Each folklore group has one participation on stage.
Package price per person:
178 BGN. per person – includes 2 overnight stays with breakfast in a hotel 3*
255 BGN. per person - includes 3 overnight stays with breakfast in a hotel 3*
The rooms are double and triple.
Surcharge for single room 45 BGN. per day per person.
The price does not include transport to the city of Tulcea, parking and personal expenses.
To a group of 25 one free place is placed per person (25 + 1).
We offer accommodation in I wanted to 4*. Prices on request.
Possibility of a motorboat excursion in the Danube Delta.
visit to the sights of the city: the Bulgarian church of St. George, The first Bulgarian school in Dobruja "Svetla Bulgaria" founded 1859 Mr., The Independence Monument, Danube Delta Museum, Folk Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Arts, Avramide House, Museum of History and Archaeology, the church of St. Nikola, the fortress of Enisala.
In the XIX century. Tulcha is a typical Bulgarian Renaissance city and an important center of the Bulgarian Renaissance.
/Sites with entrance fees and the Danube Delta excursion are at an additional cost. /
Valid ID for persons over 18 Mr.
On the way to Tulcea or on the return to stop in a city Constance – the most- the old Romanian city and take a walking tour of the historic city center. Landmarks: The casino, The Genoese lighthouse, Aquarium, Ovidius Square, Historical Museum, the Mahmudieh Mosque, Folk Art Museum, The house with the lions, The wooden church, etc. The city of Constanta is located on 50 km north of the Durankulak border crossing on the Black Sea coast.
The candidates, who wish to participate in the festival must declare their participation by completing an Application Form for registration by 15 May 2025 year.
Deadline for advance payment 10 % of the total amount 30 June 2025 Mr.
Deadline for full payment 20 August 2025 Mr.
Please, meet enrollment and payment deadlines, as they are tied to hotel room reservations.
To get Registration Application Form, Contact us:
For contact: 0988809442 – Galina Panayotova mffetnoritmi@abv.bg
language. 0884 041 810 - Nikolay Panayotov - Varna Tourist Company varnatourism@abv.bg
We have a Romanian translator.
Contact us
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us