ETHNO RHYTHMS 2025 - Golden Sands
H. юбилеен международen folk dance and music festival
From 5 to 9 September 2025 Mr.
The festival is a member of the European Association of Folklore Festivals (ЕAFF) – official partner of UNESCO
It is organized by SNC "Communities"., traditions, culture" – Varna
and Varna Tourist Company
With the support of the Municipality of Varna and the Varna Tourist Chamber
The event is published in the Municipal online guide www.visit.varna.bg,
in the cultural calendar and on the official website of the Municipality of Varna
The folklore festival ETHNO RHYTHMS се провежда за десета пoредна година в курорта „Златни пясъци” – one of the most famous seaside resorts in Eastern Europe. The distance to Varna is 18 km.
The festival takes place at various locations in the Golden Sands resort. – gorge, group presentations, outdoor concerts.
The festival does not have a competitive nature.
PARTICIPANTS are community centers and independent collectives from the country and abroad. Dancers can participate in the festival, singing and instrumental folklore ensembles, choirs and groups for processed and authentic folklore, kuker and survakar groups, old town song groups, brass bands, ethnic folklore groups. There are no age restrictions. Companions of the participants are also allowed.
In the previousFolk ensembles took part in some editions of the festival oт 12 държави – Romania, TOaxisoвo, Lithuania, Boсна и Херцeгguilt, Serbia, Словакия, Greece, Полша, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova and Bulgaria.
800+ участници в деветото издание на фестивала 2024.
THE GOALS at the festival and creative meetings are:
– to develop cultural exchanges between peoples and communities; to encourage the creative abilities of the individual; to present the folklore and cultural traditions of the ethnic groups in Bulgaria; to popularize Bulgarian and foreign folklore; making friendships.
PARTICIPATION FEE – пакетна цена за един участник с настаняване в pHotel Warsaw 2*, in the center of "Zl. sands":
212 BGN. – The price includes full board - 3 overnight stay at the Warsaw hotel 2*, breakfast, lunch and dinner at a block table
266 BGN. – The price includes full board - 4 overnight stay at the Warsaw hotel 2*, breakfast, lunch and dinner at a block table
155 BGN. – The price includes full board - 2 overnight stay at the Warsaw hotel 2*, breakfast, lunch and dinner at a block table
The prices are for accommodation in double / triple rooms.
Surcharge for single room 28 BGN. per person per day.
PARTICIPATION FEE – пакетна цена за един участник с настаняване в Park xHotel Riva 2*, in the center of "Zl. sands":
220 BGN. – The price includes full board - 3 overnight stays at Park Hotel Riva 2*, breakfast, lunch and dinner at a block table
275 BGN. – The price includes full board - 4 overnight stays at Park Hotel Riva 2*, breakfast, lunch and dinner at a block table
The prices are for accommodation in triple / quadruple rooms.
Доплащане за настаняване в двойна стая 9 BGN per person per day.
Supplement for single room - price on request.
PARTICIPATION FEE – пакетна цена за един участник с настаняване в хoтел Excelsior 4*, "Zl. sands" – All inclusive:
340 BGN. – The price includes full board - 3 overnight stays in a hotel 4*, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack + alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
440 BGN. – The price includes full board - 4 overnight stays in a hotel 4*, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack + alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
245 BGN. – The price includes full board - 2 overnight stays in a hotel 4*, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack + alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
The prices are for accommodation in double rooms.
Supplement for single room - price on request.
Accommodation in an apartment - price on request.
Prices do NOT include transport to the resort. "Zl. sands", parking lot и разходи от личен характер.
To a group of 25 one free place is placed per person (25 + 1).
Предлагаме настаняване и в хотел 3* in k.k. "Golden Sands". Prices on request.
THE PROGRAM at the folklore festival Ethno rhythms 2025 предлага участие в:
– дефиле по главните алеи на комплекса – 5 септември от 16.00 h.
– festival evenings on an open stage in the city center. "Zl. sands" /concert program/– 5, 6 and 7 септември от 20.00 h.
– награждаване на колективите – 7 September
– колективни подаръци и сувенири, presentation of certificates and plaques, gifts from the Municipality of Varna
-Individual prizes for the youngest and oldest participant in the festival
-Collective award for the largest group
-Специална награда за всеки колектив с повторно участие във фестивала
FREE TIME - excursions, beach, nightclubs in the city center. "Golden Sands", free pool
Possibility of a half-day excursion in the Varna region - visit to the Dolphinarium, Aquarium, Zoo, Marine Station, Roman baths, Broken stones, museums, Euxinograd Palace, Grand Mall Varna, Delta Planet Mall, a pirate ship ride in the sea, aladzha monastery, Aquapolis – “Evil”. sands"; Balchik - The Palace of the Romanian Queen Maria and the Botanical Garden; cape Kaliakra and the fortress; The eggs, The Mussel Farm, etc. /entrance fees and organized transport are paid by the participants/.
The candidates, who wish to participate in the festival must declare their participation by filling out
*Application form to register to 15 June 2025 Mr.
*Advance payment 10% from the whole amount to 10 July 2025 Mr.
*Deadline for full payment 15 August 2025 Mr.
Please, meet enrollment and payment deadlines, as they are tied to hotel room reservations.
To get Registration Application Form, Contact us:
For contact: 0988809442 – Galina Panayotova
language. 0884 041 810 - Nikolay Panayotov - Varna Tourist Company
-photo material with over 5000 снимки https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100023007810778
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